
Creative Commons License

Assignments for Week 2: 19 January 2011

  1. Login to the class blog (for your section.)
    1. 9 am class (section 20449) - t4tspring2011.edublogs.org
    2. 11 am class (section 20448) - kidblog.org/T4TSpring2011Fryer
  2. Write and share post on our class blog:
    1. Explaining your thoughts about possible topics you're considering for the Pecha Kucha assignment, and
    2. Include at least one Creative Commons licensed image on your post.
    3. Also, leave a thoughtful comment on at least TWO of your classmates' posts (from week1 or week2) following our commenting guidelines.

Technology 4 Teachers (T4T) by Wesley A. Fryer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Based on a work at wiki.wesfryer.com/t4t.