Assignments for Week 4: 2 February 2011
Due to the Blizzard of 2011, UCO will be closed on Wednesday, February 2nd. For those students who have computer/Internet access and can attend virtually, however, we will have a LIVE, synchronous meeting via Elluminate the morning of February 2nd. This online meeting is OPTIONAL, but highly encouraged. This web-based meeting will be recorded and shared for later viewing for students who cannot attend live. This will be an INTERACTIVE session and will permit you (as a student) to ask questions and interact with your classmates (as well as instructor) via text and audio. If you do not have a microphone, you will not be able to talk during the session but will still be able to text.
Technology 4 Teachers (T4T) by Wesley A. Fryer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at wiki.wesfryer.com/t4t.
Recorded Archive
Our live class meeting in Elluminate was recorded. Click here to view the recording. (It is 1 hour long)
Instructions for connecting LIVE
Our OPTIONAL online class meeting for February 2nd will begin at 9:30 am CST on 2/2/2011. Use this link to directly connect to our class in Elluminate. The official class (which will be recorded) will last until 11 am, but the instructor can hang around if desired later to answer further student questions not addressed earlier.
PRIOR to our class, visit this Elluminate "First Time Users" page and configure your computer as required. Note you may want to install and use a web browser other than Internet Explorer. FireFox and Safari are both recommended web browsers.
We will be introducing and exploring Google Reader, learning about push/pull communication technologies, as well as aggregators / news readers during class today. I also mentioned the "Inbox Zero" video shared by Merlin Mann as a Google Talk a few years ago. It's about an hour long and is available on YouTube. (This isn't required viewing, just recommended, good stuff!)
Student Assignments
- Review our Video Reflection Rubric. (Make sure your future blog posts follow it!)
- Take Quiz #1 on Blog Reflections on WebCT by midnight CST, Friday, February 4th.
- If you have not already, create a FREE Google Account. You can either use an existing email address you already have (like your UCO email address) and create a new Google account, or create a free GMail account. GMail accounts function as Google Accounts with access to all Google Services, including Google Reader.
- Use the Google Reader Support website and subscribe to at least ten different web feeds of interest to you.
- Create at least two customized Google Alerts and subscribe to those updates using Google Reader.
- View the 2010 K-12 Online Conference Presentation, "Intersections" by Darren Kuropatwa.
- Login to the class blog (for your section)
- 9 am class (section 20449) - t4tspring2011.edublogs.org
- 11 am class (section 20448) - kidblog.org/T4TSpring2011Fryer
- Write and share on our class blog:
- A 3 paragraph reflection about Darren's presentation following our video reflection rubric. Specifically address how you could "Kick It Up a Notch" with your own learning, using some of the ideas Darren shares.
- Include at least one Creative Commons licensed image on your post.
- Make sure you're signed up for a Pecha Kucha presentation day!
CC Image Attribution: mikefisher821
from Great quotes about Learning and Change (Flickr Pool)