The Big Shift: Using Tech Tools to Create, Make, and Share

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM, Sun, Apr 15, 2018 (ATLIS 2018 Conference in Washington, D.C.)

Description: The best way to use technology tools in the classroom is to create, make, and share. Making the transition from predominant “media consumer” to frequent “media creator” should be part of the strategic plan of every school. Each learner should regularly contribute to a digital portfolio comprised of both a private “file cabinet” as well as a public “showcase” that highlights exemplars of work to meet specific academic standards or to highlight personal achievement and growth.

Shortened link and QR Code:

Creative Commons License

These materials by Wesley A. Fryer are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Contact details for Wesley are available.


  1. Participant Survey
  2. Intro: Why Shift? (Ignite Style: Your assignment: Sketchnote this!)
Playing with Media
  1. Learning Journal Reflection (SeeSaw)
  2. Sketchnote
  3. Narrated Sketchnote / Image
  4. InfoPIc
  5. MultiMedia eBook
The Big Shift: Using Tech...e by @wfryer ‎(April 2018)‎

A synchronized, narrated slideshow version of this Ignite-style presentation from April 15, 2018 at ATLIS is available (created on an iPad iwth with Voice Record Pro and Pinnacle Studio Pro):]

Today's Tools:

* Best Android somewhat equivalent app: Artflow Studio


  1. Sketchnoting for Beginners​by @sylviaduckworth
  2. TEDx Video: Drawing in Class by Rachel Smith (@ninmah)
  3. The Noun Project (great source for icons to use as models for drawing)
  4. Narrated Sketchnote on Mindfulness and Resiliency (Feb 2016, sketchnote and narrated sketchnote example from Casady PD day with Dr. R. Murali Krishna)
  5. Explain Everything app (for iOS, Android and Chrome) - This blog post explains the difference between the "Explain Everything Whiteboard app" and Explain Everything
  6. ProCreate for iOS
  7. More resources on Sketchnoting / Visual Notetaking:

Multimedia EBooks

Sharing Spaces: Google Cl...esaw by @sfryer & @wfryer

Connect With Wes

Connect with Wes Fryer via Twitter @wfryer or find lots of other ways on

Interested in bringing Wes to your school or conference?

Handouts from all of Wes' past presentations, keynotes and workshops are available on

Follow Wes' amazing wife, Shelly Fryer (a third grade teacher) on Twitter at @sfryer.