These are resources for Dr. Wes Fryer's presentations for 11th grade students at Casady School in Oklahoma City studying "Big Tech" in the multi-disciplinary "American Design" course, which combines U.S. History and American Literature. Contact information for Dr. Fryer is available. (last updated 12 September 2021)

Why CARE about PRIVACY and Surveillance Capitalism? by @wfryer (Sept 2021)

Twitter Lists, Channels and Hashtags

Recommended Videos

On Protecting from CyberThreats

Protecting Yourself and Your Family Online by @wfryer 26 March 2020

On AI and Tech Dystopia

AI Utopia or Dystopia (30 Oct 2020) Friday Morning Men's Group @fpcedmond by @wfryer

* On the question of whether or not it is appropriate to use WikiPedia as a research resource, see "Stop Source-Shaming: Acknowledge Wikipedia in the research process" (American Libraries Magazine, 1 Sept 2021) and Dr. Fryer's media literacy lesson, "LaunchPad WikiPedia."

Access more media literacy resources created and/or collected by Dr. Wesley Fryer on