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Assignments for Week 5: 9 February 2011

We will not meet face-to-face this week, but WILL have a required, online assignment. Here are your "to-do's" for week 5.

  1. Repeated from Week 4:
    1. Review our Video Reflection Rubric. (Make sure your future blog posts follow it!)
    2. Take Quiz #1 on Blog Reflections on WebCT by midnight CST, Wednesday, February 9th. (Note this extended deadline.)
    3. Make sure you're signed up for a Pecha Kucha presentation day! (Live, in-class presentations start next week on Feb 16th.)
      1. 9 am
      2. 11 am
  2. View Chris Betcher's 2010 K-12 Online Conference Presentation, "Teaching Kids to Think Using Scratch." (alternate link)
  3. Login to the class blog (for your section)
    1. 9 am class (section 20449) - t4tspring2011.edublogs.org
    2. 11 am class (section 20448) - kidblog.org/T4TSpring2011Fryer
  4. Write and share on our class blog:
    1. A 3 paragraph reflection about Chris' presentation and Scratch software following our video reflection rubric.
    2. Include at least one Creative Commons licensed image on your post. See the Image Resources section of our class wiki for site suggestions and guidelines.
  5. Take a look at some of the Scratch Software resources on our class wiki and start thinking about the kinds of projects YOU want to create with Scratch in upcoming weeks!

Technology 4 Teachers (T4T) by Wesley A. Fryer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Based on a work at wiki.wesfryer.com/t4t.