Petcha Kutcha Final Reflection
Petcha Kutcha Final Reflection
- Write and share a post on our class blog (for your section) which includes the following THREE PARAGRAPHS.
- 9 am class (section 20449) - t4tspring2011.edublogs.org
- 11 am class (section 20448) - kidblog.org/T4TSpring2011Fryer
- PARAGRAPH 1: Briefly describe what a Pecha Kucha presentation is, and what differentiates an outstanding Pecha Kucha presentation from one that is so-so or "just ok."
- PARAGRAPH 2: Reflect on the skills you learned as a result of this assignment.
- PARAGRAPH 3: Reflect on the ways you think a Pecha Kucha presentation assignment could be used for students in the grade level and content area you plan to teach.
- Submit the link to your Final Scratch Project reflection on WebCT NLT (no later than) midnight, Friday March 25, 2011.
Screenr Assignment
Screenr Assignment
- Create (if you didn't already do this for week9) a Twitter account (free) which you can use on Screenr for screencasting.
- Plan your 1 to 3 minute screencast about a topic of your choice. (If you're not sure what to do, consider teaching how to do something in Scratch.)
- Create your screencast using Screenr and a microphone. (Voice narration must be included.)
- Remember to refer to our Screencasting resources for help and tips.
- This assignment will be due in WebCT NLT (no later than) midnight, Friday April 1, 2011.
Technology 4 Teachers (T4T) by Wesley A. Fryer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at wiki.wesfryer.com/t4t.