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Petcha Kutcha Final Reflection

  1. Write and share a post on our class blog (for your section) which includes the following THREE PARAGRAPHS.
    1. 9 am class (section 20449) - t4tspring2011.edublogs.org
    2. 11 am class (section 20448) - kidblog.org/T4TSpring2011Fryer
  2. PARAGRAPH 1: Briefly describe what a Pecha Kucha presentation is, and what differentiates an outstanding Pecha Kucha presentation from one that is so-so or "just ok."
  3. PARAGRAPH 2: Reflect on the skills you learned as a result of this assignment.
  4. PARAGRAPH 3: Reflect on the ways you think a Pecha Kucha presentation assignment could be used for students in the grade level and content area you plan to teach.
  5. Submit the link to your Final Scratch Project reflection on WebCT NLT (no later than) midnight, Friday March 25, 2011.

Screenr Assignment

  1. Create (if you didn't already do this for week9) a Twitter account (free) which you can use on Screenr for screencasting.
  2. Plan your 1 to 3 minute screencast about a topic of your choice. (If you're not sure what to do, consider teaching how to do something in Scratch.)
  3. Create your screencast using Screenr and a microphone. (Voice narration must be included.)
  4. Remember to refer to our Screencasting resources for help and tips.
  5. This assignment will be due in WebCT NLT (no later than) midnight, Friday April 1, 2011.

Technology 4 Teachers (T4T) by Wesley A. Fryer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Based on a work at wiki.wesfryer.com/t4t.