
The ability to create and share a screencast with others about a topic is a basic skill for 21st century teachers. In this lesson we'll learn how to create and share high quality screencasts.

Screencasting Basics

Creative Commons License

Technology 4 Teachers (T4T) by Wesley A. Fryer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Based on a work at

Screencasting Examples

  1. Khan Academy (1800+ free screencasts about math and science topics)
    1. PBS NewsHour piece on the Khan Academy and Salman Khan (YouTube)
  1. Sample Screencast created with Screenr, IE, a mic and headphones on WinXP: Moderating VoiceThread Comments (cross-posted to Screenr and YouTube)
  1. Tutorial: How to use Compfight to save images for a presentation

Why Screencast?

  1. Explain a skill or concept
  2. Avoid the need to constantly repeat yourself (Example: T4T FAQ)
  3. Flip Your Classroom (Dale Eizenaga, Educational Vodcasting by Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams. Karl Fisch as reported by Dan Pink)

Screencasting Tools

Free Screencasting / screenrecording tools

  1. Screenr - browser based (Screenr screencasts recorded by wfryer)
  2. Jing - client software
  3. Screencast-O-Matic - client software
  4. Screenjelly (also browser-based like Screenr)

Commercial Screencasting / screenrecording tools

  1. ScreenFlow (Mac)
  2. Camtasia (Win/Mac)

Comparison of Screencasting Software on Wikipedia

MultiMedia Presentation Publishing Options

  1. SlideShare (free - Slideshare presentations by wfryer)
  2. Articulate Presenter (commercial, Windows-only)
  3. Profcast (Mac/Win)
  4. SlideRocket