Pecha Kucha Presentations
Peer Evaluation Forms
Peer Evaluation Forms
Please sign up for a Pecha Kucha presentation date on the Google Spreadsheet for your section:
- 5 presentation slots per class are available on five dates.
- Please do not erase anyone else's name.
- Dates are available starting Feb 2nd, the last date is Feb 23rd.
- This assignment is DUE NLT March 11th.
- Use this online peer evaluation form to provide feedback.
What is a Pecha Kucha?
What is a Pecha Kucha?
- A 20 slide multimedia presentation, narrated for 20 seconds per slide or a total of 6 minutes, 40 seconds.
- Learn more on WikiPedia.
- See an example, "What I Hope You Learned in this Class" (by Wesley Fryer, spring 2010)
- More examples from
Why Create Pecha Kucha Presentations?
Why Create Pecha Kucha Presentations?
- We Have Met the Enemy and He Is PowerPoint (NYT 26 April 2010)
- PowerPoint Abuse - Presentation Zen is an answer!
- Intro Video: Life After Death By PowerPoint (4 min, 24 sec)
Technology 4 Teachers (T4T) by Wesley A. Fryer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Assignment Steps
Assignment Steps
- Select 20 images / photos using a copyright friendly image source (save the URL / website as you go - see sources below)
- Build your presentation:
- Download those 20 images to a folder on your computer. (REMEMBER TO SAVE HIGH RESOLUTION VERSIONS!)
- Create a new PowerPoint with all 20 images (Insert-Pictures-Photo Album. You can select as many files as you want from your folders.)
- Either:
- Include a final credits slide, listing websites you used
- Include the link/URL to your pictures on each slide.
- Optional: Upload your presentation to Google Docs (as a Google Presentation) - Make sure you save your PowerPoint as a PPT 2003-2007 file - Google Docs does not like .pptx files!
Copyright Friendly Image Sources
Copyright Friendly Image Sources
See the resource page: Talk with Media - Using Copyright-Friendly Images
- Flickr Creative Commons
- Compfight - 1 page PDF handout available
- More image search sources from Storychasers
- More image search sources from Joyce Valenza: Playing with Images
- Google Images Advanced Search does permit filtering by license
- How to Use Compfight to Save Images and their website addresses (5 min screencast - also use the 1 page handout!)
- Make a PowerPoint with 20 photos FAST (2 min screencast)
- Creative Commons and Flickr (blog post)
CC Image Attribution: ransomtech
from Great quotes about Learning and Change (Flickr Pool)