Visual Communication with InfoPics
Title: Create InfoPics with Adobe Spark Post
Description: We live in a very visual society and culture. In this hands-on session, participants will learn how to become more effective and powerful visual communicators by creating InfoPics using Adobe Spark using a variety of platforms including laptops, desktops, and tablets. Learn how to find, save, modify and share copyright-friendly images with related textual annotations. Creating and sharing InfoPics addresses the “International Society for Technology in Education” (ISTE) student standards for becoming “Creative communicators” and “Knowledge Constructors,” and the ISTE teacher standard to “model digital age work and learning.”
Description: We live in a very visual society and culture. In this hands-on session, participants will learn how to become more effective and powerful visual communicators by creating InfoPics on an iOS device. Learn how to find, save, modify and share copyright-friendly images with related textual annotations.
Official ISTE 2017 BYOD Session Registration Page (Monday, June 26, 12:00–1:00 pm, 008AB)
Recommended Apps:
Why InfoPics?
In this 21 minute tutorial video, Wes Fryer demonstrates how to use the iPad app "Adobe Spark Post" to create and share an infopic. The
Summary Slides for "ISTE Bytes" Session
Sunday, June 25, 1:00–2:00 pm, Building/Room: Lila Cockrell Theater