Leading Schools with Digital Vision in a Bubblesheet World
Much of the world has gone digital, so must learning at school. Creativity is vital, and good leadership matters. Stagnant, accomodation-level technology integration makes technology investments in our schools a waste of money. School leaders can and should encourage teachers to use digital learning tools in transformative ways to open new doors of opportunity for students as well as parents. By focusing on creating, communicating / sharing, and collaborating, principals can help develop a shared instructional vocabulary with teachers which is focused on student engagement. Without creation, there can be no creativity. How will you let your students create? How will you give students choices? How will your students teach the curriculum? These are essential questions to ask together with teachers, as we seek to effectively (and legally) "talk with media / pictures" and leverage the constructive power of digital media tools for learning inside and outside the classroom.
These are links and referenced resources from presentations shared at the following events:
- July 8, 2011 breakout for the Oklahoma State Department of Education Innovations 2011 Conference in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- June 15, 2011 breakout for the Texas Elementary Principals & Supervisors Association Summer Conference in Austin, Texas. Slides available as a PDF. (2.6 MB)
- June 10, 2011 keynote for the 2011 TCEA Area 7 Conference in White Oak, Texas. Slides available as a PDF. (2.6 MB)
- June 9, 2011 keynote for the 2011 Fort Bend ISD Technology Conference in Houston, Texas. Slides available as a PDF. (1.7 MB)
- May 6, 2011 keynote for the 2011 TechForum Chicago conference. Slides available as a PDF. (3.7 MB)
- April 6, 2011 presentation for the First Year Oklahoma Superintendents Conference hosted by the Oklahoma State Department of Education in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Slides are available as a PDF. (4.3 MB)
- March 10, 2011 keynote at the Alabama Educational Technology Association MidWinter Conference in Montgomery, Alabama.
- February 2, 2011 keynote at the Mississippi Educational Computing Association Conference in Jackson, Mississippi. A narrated Slidecast (slides with audio) is available on SlideShare.
- December 1, 2010 keynote at the Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference in Manchester, New Hampshire. Slides are available as a PDF. (3.1 MB)
- October 21, 2010 keynote at the "Teaching and Learning in the Cloud" conference in Holland, Michigan. Slides are available as a PDF. (2.4 MB)
- September 30, 2010 keynote at the Martin Institute "Teaching for Tomorrow" Fall 2010 Conference in Memphis, Tennessee. Slides are available on SlideShare.net.
- June 15, 2010, presentation for administrators in Northeast ISD, in San Antonio, Texas. Slides from my keynote presentation are available on SlideShare.net. Also be sure to check out Honor Moorman's excellent notes / live blog post of this session. (She included several video links too!)
During our timed discussions, we're using this free, fullscreen online stopwatch.
I. Introduction
Welcome to the Future by Brad Paisley (YouTube)
BSA Recruiting Video (QuickTime format, from Fresh Brains summer camp, courtesy of Rushton Hurley, Next Vista for Learning)
Khan Academy (over 1800 video tutorials as of 1 Dec 2010 on math, science and more - all FREE)
Suzie Buxton's Cinchcast: 1st Grade Superhero Stories
II. Key Messages
World has gone digital: So must learning @ school
Reputation Management and Social Media (new PEW research on digital footprints - 26 May 2010)
Speak Up survey highlights gaps in support of ed tech (eSchoolNews - 1 April 2011)
Turn pair and share
- Use cell phones to post to PollEverywhere: Takeaways from the video
We Need Digital Sandboxes
- Technology 4 Teachers: Week 3 Homework (Spring 2010) - Commenting on San Antonio students' projects (Honor Moorman)
Throwing away 6th grade – OR – The case for online portfolios
What Did You Do in School Yesterday, Today, and Three Years Ago? by H. Songhai
Good Leadership Matters
- TLA video work www.educ.ttu.edu/tla/videos
- must model and be instructional leader
Ideas for the Balanced Filtering Online Gradebook (From balancedfiltering.org)
- It's vital
- Wesley's photos from Shanghai, China (September 2010)
- Richard Florida
- Oklahoma Creativity Project (World Creativity Forum: Nov 2010)
- "without creation, there is no creativity"
Don't waste tech $$$
- accomodation level integration is a natural stage
- stagnant accomodation level integration is a waste of $
- Larry Cuban quotation from eTechOhio
High quality learning is differentiated
- don't buy the scope and sequence lie (quality education means everyone on the same page on the same day everywhere)
Engage don't enthrall
- root of enthrall: SLAVE
- Strive to engage students with authentic learning tasks
III. Key Tools
- Co-founder's goal: Help 60+ year old parents share text, photos, videos online easily
- My parents' posterous blog
- My posterous (can cross-post to other places too!)
- You can email? You can share with Posterous
- Send an email to post@posterous.com
- Example educator Posterous blog: Jim Peterson (Holland, MI)
Classroom Web Portals
Copyright Friendly Images
- Skype in Schools Wiki
- Around the World with Skype (K12Online09)
IV. Key Skills
Shared vocabulary of instructional expectations
- Create
- Communicate / Share
- Collaborate
Create with Media
- start with digital storytelling
- Storychasers / COV model
- B-roll about your passion or how you define yourself outside the classroom
- Tell a Story with 5 Photos for Educators (Flickr group)
- It's a Dog's Life
- Getting a New Haircut
- Getting a New Haircut (VoiceThread version)
- Great Book Stories (VoiceThread examples of 21st century book reports)
Ask: (the 3 Hows)
- How will you let your students create?
- How will you give students choices?
- How will your students teach the curriculum?
Ask for help
- You can't know it all: admit it!
- Build your PLN: personal learning network of experts
- Administrative exemplars:
- Chris Lehman, SLA
- Melinda Miller, Elementary principal in Missouri
- Miguel Guhlin, San Antonio ISD instructional technology (share more wiki)
- Jim Lerman
Example: What Would Yoda Do? A Jedi Approach to Professional Development (Thanks Lucy Gray - via her social bookmarks)
Example of Creativity: Wired June 2010 article about Pixar / Toy Story 3
Blend PD
- for yourself and for your faculty
- k12onlineconference.org
Engage don't enthrall
Image Webliography:
(All Flickr Creative Commons-licensed images were found with Compfight)